17 Mediterranean Chicken Recipes (2024)

There are countless ways to make chicken interesting, yet it’s easy to fall into the habit of making the same recipe over and over. Why reinvent the wheel when you know it by heart and can throw it together with ease?

We’re not here to tell you to change your ways, but we are here to tell you that mixing up your chicken game is easy and tasty beyond belief. (Not to mention healthy.)

These Mediterranean diet chicken recipes are so good we insist you give ’em a go. We’re guessing you won’t look back.

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1. Greek lemon chicken soup

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What makes this soup broth so delightfully creamy? Surprise: It’s not actually dairy.

In fact, chicken broth isn’t even used to flavor this melt-in-your-mouth soup. Instead, egg yolks are used for the lemony color, and sautéed veggies and herbs give it its unforgettable flavor.

Another incredible add-in: homemade dill and chive oil. But don’t worry, even though it sounds fancy, it’s easy to make. Just add herbs and oil to a food processor and pulse away.

2. Slow cooker Tuscan chicken stew

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As much as we’d like to live under the Tuscan sun, we’ll settle for diving into this slow cooker Tuscan stew.

Full of hearty veggies like baby potatoes, carrots, onion, and garlic, and livened up with fennel seeds and white wine, this stew is the perfect nourishing meal.

It’s great for a cold day or when your immune system (or gut) is in need of some TLC. We love that this recipe sticks to chicken thighs, making the meat that much juicier.

3. Instant pot Mediterranean chicken

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When this recipe says it’s almost no work at all, it isn’t kidding. As with most Instant Pot meals, it only requires throwing items in the pot and patiently awaiting the outcome — which, in this case, only takes 20 minutes.

The stew-like tomato sauce can be eaten on its own, if you wish. It also makes the perfect topping for cauliflower rice, quinoa, or even pasta.

It also tastes delicious with a sprinkle of freshly grated Parmesan cheese. It’s simple dishes like these that make us super thankful the Mediterranean diet exists.

4. Lemon herb avocado chicken salad

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Is there anything more Mediterranean than a sky-high pile of fresh veggies and sliced cheese? This salad makes us think of sitting next to the turquoise sea, noshing on local produce, and attempting to speak a new language.

For the days we can’t do that — which, sadly, is far too often — bite into this. We like swapping the bacon for prosciutto and cracking lemon pepper on top for a little extra somethin’. At least your taste buds can have a vacation.

5. Lemon chicken salad

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This chicken salad recipe can be modified to satisfy almost any diet. Want to keep it low carb? Scoop it into lettuce cups. Craving something more hearty? Stuff it into a pita or add a generous dollop to a grain bowl.

If you prefer to eat Paleo, use a Paleo-friendly mayo in place of the Greek yogurt. Filling, flavorful, fun… this recipe has it all. It even has crunchy, for crying out loud.

6. Mediterranean pasta salad

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Pasta salad doesn’t have to be a soggy, sad mess. This recipe boasts more greens and veg than it does pasta, really punching up its weight when it comes to the whole salad part.

We love the creaminess from avocado and feta cheese, the subtle crunch from cucumber, and that color burst from the arugula and sun-dried tomatoes.

Pro tip: Sub in whole-wheat pasta for some extra fiber.

7. One-skillet Mediterranean chicken with tomatoes and green olives

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How is it possible that something this beautiful only takes 15 minutes to make? Talk about a great last-minute meal.

Its secret lies largely in the colorful toppings, a vibrant and flavorful combination of red onion, tomatoes, green olives, fresh parsley, and feta cheese.

Though the chopping really doesn’t take that long, you can always cut corners by tossing everything but the feta into a food processor. Add spinach for extra greens and sliced pepperoncini for a touch of heat.

8. Mediterranean chicken kebabs with Greek yogurt sauce

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Don’t save garlic yogurt sauce solely for meals out. The tangy sauce is super easy to make at home and is the perfect complement to these charred chicken kebabs.

Made easily on a grill, grill pan, or simply in the oven, these kebabs are great for a simple dinner or for entertaining.

Add mushrooms and artichokes for an extra dose of veggies and serve with a side of whole grains to make it extra Mediterranean (and filling).

9. Mediterranean chicken with sun-dried tomatoes and artichokes

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We’ll never get enough of one-skillet wonders. With tart sun-dried tomatoes, juicy artichoke hearts, bitter capers, and freshly squeezed lemon, this Mediterranean diet chicken recipe certainly delivers.

Serve with multicolored quinoa, wild rice, or on top of leafy greens to complete the meal. And feel free to throw in some chicken thighs for good measure and some juicier bites.

10. Sheet-pan harissa chicken with chickpeas and sweet potatoes

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We’ve talked a lot about oregano, fresh herbs, sun-dried tomato, and artichokes, but one of our absolute favorite Mediterranean meal ingredients is one we haven’t mentioned yet: harissa.

The delicious chili paste adds just the right amount of kick to chicken breasts (or thighs) and the honey sweet potatoes. Serve on a pile of sautéed spinach, massaged kale, or arugula for some added greens.

11. Easy Mediterranean chicken bake

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If chicken thighs and pizza had a low carb baby, this would be it. The bake starts with a layer of tomato sauce, which sautéed chicken thighs bask in to soak up all those tart juices.

Artichokes and black olives add extra fiber and oomph, and of course, the bake is covered with plenty of shredded cheese and torn basil for that pizza-like flair. Will chicken ever be the same? We doubt it.

12. Italian chicken wrap

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Do pinwheels have you thinking of mayo-drenched, rubbery meat-stuffed deli counter buys? This recipe will get rid of that vision for good.

Filled with peppery arugula, sun-dried tomato spread, grilled chicken (roasted or sautéed is fine), provolone cheese, and a drizzle of thick balsamic, these wraps transform pinwheels from no way to everyday.

For a little extra color — not that it needs it — use sun-dried tomato or spinach wraps in place of the lavash bread.

13. Mediterranean chicken wraps

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This recipe is great for a quick snack (a filling one at that), last-minute meal, or on-the-go grub — as in, it’s one of those perfect recipes worth memorizing.

Greek yogurt and feta mix to create a thick, creamy sauce that won’t soak through the wrap (phew), and roasted red peppers, shredded chicken, spinach, and olives make up the rest.

We love adding cucumber for some crunchiness and toasted seeds for some healthy, Mediterranean fats.

14. One-pot Greek chicken and lemon rice

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Mediterranean diet dishes often boast Italian flavors, but this recipe goes big on Greek with lemon, oregano, and plenty of garlic.

We love that this recipe sticks to the basics — hearty carbs and lean protein — and leaves the rest to simple spices. That said, there’s no harm in adding zucchini, broccoli, or other veggies to the mix. (Extra nutrients never hurt.)

15. One-pot Mediterranean chicken pilaf

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Want to step away from the same ole grains and average pasta? We say go for a pilaf, a Mediterranean spin on rice (or in this case, orzo).

Cooked in sautéed onion juice and chicken broth, the orzo soaks up all kinds of flavor, meaning add-ins can be minimal.

Sun-dried tomatoes, olives, and artichokes are classics, but feel free to substitute any veggies and cheese you have on hand. Goat cheese works particularly well with this flavor combo.

16. Mediterranean chicken pasta bake

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Pasta with tomato sauce is a simple staple all cooks should have in their repertoire. But if you’re ready to take the next step — and we say you are — then upgrade to this equally as easy chicken pasta bake.

Chicken is marinated with artichoke juice, garlic, and oregano to make it extra tasty. The bake is stuffed with white beans for extra protein, Kalamata olives for a touch of salt, and mozzarella cheese to create melty perfection.

This recipe is ideal for leftover lovers, as the flavors intensify when left in the fridge. Enjoy this meal all week.

17. Baked pesto chicken

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This four-ingredient recipe has our attention for so many reasons. It tastes like a pizza (but won’t leave you feeling overstuffed). All it takes is a few simple layers to make it just right (pesto, cheese, tomatoes, done).

Then there’s the fact that it goes with just about any Mediterranean-style side (or piled on top of a scoop of farro or other whole grain). Could it get any easier or more delicious? We think not.

You’re not the only one who gets sick of chicken, believe us. We never want to put our forks into a plain, dried chicken breast again.

These recipes prove that with a dash of herbs, a sprinkle of cheese, and a squeeze of lemon juice here and there, you can create chicken dishes as rich and wonderful as the Mediterranean region itself.

17 Mediterranean Chicken Recipes (2024)


What is the Mediterranean diet for seniors? ›

Eat 2 or more servings of vegetables every day, with at least one serving fresh in a salad. Eat at least 2-3 daily servings of fresh fruit (“including natural juices”) Eat at least 3 servings per week of “legumes” Eat at least 3 servings of fish or seafood, including at least one serving of fatty fish.

What is Mediterranean chicken made of? ›

Made in just one skillet, this Mediterranean chicken recipe comes together in less than 30-minutes. It's packed with my favorite flavors from childhood: garlicky seared chicken, briny olives, creamy feta, tomatoes, and parsley. Fewer dishes, less time, and more flavor—that's what I call weeknight dinner done right!

What is a typical breakfast on the Mediterranean diet? ›

A typical breakfast on the Mediterranean diet includes fruits and/or vegetables, a good source of protein, and healthy fats. Don't wait until dinnertime to catch up on your healthy fruits and veggies. Instead, the Mediterranean diet incorporates fresh produce in meals and snacks throughout the day.

Is Mediterranean chicken good for you? ›

Chicken & the Mediterranean Diet

Chicken is a great option to include in your diet as a high quality protein source. This is because it is much leaner than red meat – just make sure you remove the skin!

What is not allowed on the Mediterranean diet? ›

The Mediterranean diet prohibits the consumption of processed foods, refined sugars, refined grains, and trans fats. Additionally, the diet limits the intake of red meat and high-fat dairy products. In addition, the consumption of alcohol is restricted, with the exception of red wine, which you can have in moderation.

What should be eaten every meal on the Mediterranean diet? ›

The foundation of the Mediterranean diet is plant foods. That means meals are built around vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, beans and whole grains. Moderate amounts of dairy, poultry and eggs are part of the Mediterranean diet, as is seafood. In contrast, red meat is eaten only once in a while.

How many times a week can you eat chicken on the Mediterranean diet? ›

Poultry. No more than once daily (fewer may be better). 3 ounces. Choose white meat instead of dark meat; Eat in place of red meat; Choose skinless poultry or remove the skin before cooking; Bake, broil or grill it.

What are 6 commonly used ingredients in Mediterranean cuisine? ›

Mediterranean Ingredients: 12 of Our Favorites
  • Olive Oil. Olive oil is the shining star of Mediterranean cuisine, renowned for its rich flavor and numerous health benefits. ...
  • Tomatoes. ...
  • Hummus. ...
  • Feta Cheese. ...
  • Olives. ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Fresh Herbs. ...
  • Whole Grains.

What kind of seasoning is Mediterranean? ›

Common spices and herbs used in the Mediterranean include basil, bay leaf, black pepper, cloves, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, garlic, lavender, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, paprika, rosemary, saffron, sage, savory, sumac, tarragon, thyme, and turmeric.

What do I drink in the morning on a Mediterranean diet? ›

Water should be the first thing you reach for. Coffee and tea are also fine, as long as you watch the added cream or sugar. Limit intake of sugar- sweetened drinks, like soda, fruit juice, or sweet tea. One glass of red wine is also permitted in this diet.

Do you eat bananas on a Mediterranean diet? ›

You can base your diet on these foods: Vegetables: tomatoes, broccoli, kale, spinach, onions, cauliflower, carrots, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips. Fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, grapes, dates, figs, melons, peaches.

How many eggs can you eat on the Mediterranean diet? ›

Based on their high cholesterol content, the Mediterranean Diet Foundation recommends to consume up to 4 eggs per week, as a healthy alternative to fish or meat [7], and the same amount (2–4 eggs per week) was indicated in the latest Italian dietary guidelines [8].

What bread is good for the Mediterranean diet? ›

Is sourdough bread allowed on the Mediterranean diet? Any bread that is made from whole wheat, whole grains, sprouts, and sourdough is recommended while on a Mediterranean diet. You will want to avoid bread made from refined grains, such as white bread if you are following this diet.

What kind of milk is on a Mediterranean diet? ›

A little goes a long way. Milk is not traditionally part of a Mediterranean diet. If you're new to this way of eating and are struggling to cut down your dairy, you can substitute it with unsweetened almond or soy milk, since nuts and legumes are staples of the diet.

Is peanut butter on the Mediterranean diet? ›

And as plant-based protein sources that are high in good and unsaturated fats, peanuts and peanut butter are a natural fit within Mediterranean and Flexitarian ways of eating. Unfamiliar with the Mediterranean and Flexitarian diets?

What are the top 10 foods on a Mediterranean diet? ›

10 foods to add to your Mediterranean lifestyle
  • Extra virgin olive oil. ...
  • Walnuts. ...
  • Lentils. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Wild salmon as a healthy animal protein. ...
  • Garlic for a reduced risk of cancer. ...
  • Oregano as an anti-inflammatory agent. ...
  • Mushrooms for a mental health boost.
Feb 3, 2022

What is the best diet for people over 65? ›

Eat a wide variety of foods from the five food groups : plenty of colourful vegetables, legumes/beans; fruit; grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and high fibre varieties; lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds; milk, yoghurt, cheese or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat.

What happens to your body when you start the Mediterranean diet? ›

Research supports the use of the Mediterranean diet as a healthy eating pattern for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, increasing lifespan, and healthy aging. When used in conjunction with caloric restriction, the diet may also support healthy weight loss.

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.